This month there has been a genealogy roadshow around Australia like nothing seen before. For the first time, there has been a series of events solely focused on genetic genealogy. Given the rapid growth in this branch of genealogy over the past decade or so, this is a fantastic idea. Many people are very nervous when it comes to the science of genetics, especially when most genealogists are used to being focused on humanities skills for their research rather than science. And that’s where the DNA Downunder events come in.
Events are in the process of being held in Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney. The programs are different in each city. Each contains a full day of presentations from various experts – except for Sydney which has a 3 day ‘DNA to the Max’ event. The main speaker is Blaine Bettinger, one of the most well-known genealogists specializing in genetic genealogy on the planet.

DNA Downunder in Melbourne
Yesterday, I attended the Melbourne event. Blaine gave an introduction to DNA for those in the audience with no background in the subject. His other presentations looked at using DNA to solve mysteries from the 18th and 19th century, using third-party tools to help analyse DNA (such as Gedmatch and DNA Painter), the limitations of cousin matching and a case study from his own tree.

It was wonderful to hear how a DNA match led him to find an Australian connection. This led to him making use of our amazingly detailed Victorian death records and which now gives him the opportunity to visit an ancestral grave while here!
I was also extremely happy to hear that DNA Painter has released another fantastic tool which provides a range of charting options for your tree. This includes the ability to mark those relatives confirmed by genetic testing. This way you can make charts of not only your genealogical tree but your genetic tree too. Hopefully I will get a chance to check it out before I depart overseas in a week or so!
Louise Coakley, a well-known Australian genealogist with expertise in DNA presented on standards, ethics, risks and limitations when working with DNA (a crucial and very hot topic!), and verifying family lines. Apologies to Louise, I was too engrossed to take a photo!
The other two speakers for the Melbourne event were:
- Michelle Patient, another Australian genetic genealogy expert, talking about pros and cons of the various companies offering genealogical DNA tests; and
- Brad Argent from Ancestry talking about how to get the most from AncestryDNA results.
I missed both these speakers sadly as their talks were held concurrently in another room As their presentations were focussed more towards the beginners, I elected to attend the more advanced topics. I hear they were excellent though!
The day was exciting, interesting and very well organised. I hope to see more of this kind of event in the years to come. The attendance not only in Melbourne but all around the country so far has shown there is a huge demand for great quality speakers about modern genealogical techniques. Thank you to the organisers at Unlock the Past!