Forgive Me Readers, For I Have Sinned…

…it has been three weeks since my last blog.

These are extraordinary times. We’re all doing it tough. In theory, blogging should be easier in lockdown, right?

Wrong. I’m afraid I’m struggling. My creative juices have dried to a trickle, as has my energy. I was quite unwell for a week or so (tested negative, so it seems it was a flu). An immediate family member is trapped in another country behind closed borders and life-threateningly ill.

So many of us are in similar situations, it seems self-indulgent to say I just can’t blog right now. I’m still researching, so still feel free to contact me with your queries if you need, I’m not shut down, just uncreative!

Hang in there please. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. In the meantime, I will blog when I can.

Stay safe, (virtual) hug your loved ones. This too shall pass.

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