It’s Not Too Late to RootsTech!

Well here we are, it’s the middle of March already, and RootsTech is done and dusted. But is it? Is it really? No. It’s not too late to RootsTech!

Even if you didn’t attend either in person or virtually between March 3rd and 5th, it’s not too late to participate in RootsTech 2023.

Why get involved now?

  • RootsTech is the largest family history conference in the world.
  • It’s totally free!
  • The on-demand sessions remain on the site for easy access whenever you need to learn (or just feel like learning) something new about genealogy.
  • There are currently more than 1,500 sessions on 185 topics in over 30 languages in the On-Demand Library, so you’re sure to find something of use and interest to you.
  • Some of the sponsors still have conference deals and offers running for another week or so.
  • ‘Relatives at RootsTech’ is also still available until March 28th. Connect with family!
  • You can create your own personal playlist of presentations you are interested in. That saves you from having to remember which ones grabbed your fancy!

My favourite session this year

There were so many to choose from, and I’m still working my way through them, but my favourite has to be Jonny Perl’s presentation on third-party DNA tools. He didn’t just talk about his own site, DNA Painter. He spent an hour taking us through a huge swathe of different tools available on different sites. It was a great summary of what’s available to help people who want to do more with their DNA results than their original testing company can offer. It was a really good overview of what each tool does, how it might help, who it might suit… There’s just so much around and we’re spoilt for choice, really!

I still have an awful lot to watch. Family ‘stuff’ is currently taking a lot more of my time than family history. But that’s okay. That’s how RootsTech works. It’s NEVER too late to Rootstech!

PS: Mark your calendars for RootsTech 2024! February 29th-March 2nd…counting down! Maybe next year I can actually be there…like in 2019 in London…a girl can dream…

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